
I Miss the Gray

Seattle is home because I like the gray, drizzle and all that goes with it. So, what is going on with all this sun and heat? This is not the south or California. I am over the beautiful days and way over the heat.

Averaging 18 days a year over 80 is perfect, so why is it only June and we already have 21 days over 80? And the last 5 over 85, this be wrong.

Can someone return our gray and drizzle...soon?

Peace and stay cool.


Blogger Tamara said...

I'll trade you. It was rainy and cool while we were gone. I return to an expected high today of 77 and rain all day. Now how the hell am I supposed to swim with weather like that? Talk about wrong. This is June in Oklahoma. It's supposed to be hot!

Posted 6/22/2004 at 8:32 AM by hodgetj

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know! I miss the cooller days. At least keep it around 70 and I'll be happy.

Posted 6/22/2004 at 8:48 AM by Martyr_of_the_Dark

7:47 PM  

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