
Be Who You Want To Be

Monday morning filled with more gray and drizzle, but the sun is already starting to break through the clouds as the light slowly awakens all around us.

The rain and gray may continue but the sun will be there warming us up right behind the dark patterns of spring.

Feels natural to have that happening. All that darkness but behind it, seeping through is so much light. Each section is as important as another. One and all are needed. We can find so much in each section when we look closely.

Even in the dark one should be able to smile. It is a place not to be shoved aside and forgotten, but learned from and accepted cause only then can one move forward. We must walk through and see all the shades that sparkle and shine differently day to day.

Each new day brings something new with it. Don't miss out on those features. Take the time to absorb more information and knowledge. A small piece of truth lies behind and one needs as much as one can get.

But do remember one can grin or smile even in the dark, even when others may not see it, you do. In the end we must do things for us to help oneself, be who we want to be.
