
You know we have had sun for a few days in a row...

Odd I have totally missed the rain. Here it is back this morning. Feels so right today. Comforting.

Brings this sense of peace. Will also bring the sense of scowls on peoples faces, why is that? We live in Seattle it is suppose to rain. It has been beautiful out, but in the end it would not be here if it was always sunny.

Why do people not enjoy and accept where they are. Heck you mine as well try. If you live in the dessert you had best like heat and beautiful open skies. Enjoy what you have. Everyplace has something nice that is why you live there to some degree. Look around absorb the beauty you see today.

Sometimes we are in places that we may not want to be and are desperately searching for the escape route. Sit back and look around. There has to be something good about it, find that and you can feel the peace.

Enjoy even the little things they will add up to something.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear yah there! I love this area and the crazy weather we get. It's been my home for 24 years now and I wouldn't change a thing about it. We have actual seasons!! We get to see flowers bloom and all that good stuff. Bah, if you don't like the rain leave! BAH I SAY! :D

Posted 4/14/2004 at 8:20 AM by Martyr_of_the_Dark

12:04 PM  

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