
A Rant

You know, as I get older I am realizing that my intolerance is getting worse. I see my self-having less patience and ability to discuss issues with people that have views that I find so completely and morally wrong to my own.

In particular these days is politics. I mean how could someone truly in there mind support our leader right now? Have they not been paying attention at all?

I currently have no TV access and do not receive a newspaper. I get my news from the web and other outlets like public radio on an occasion. Even so the atrocities that our government has done is so sad beyond all believe. We (the country) have gone in and played cowboys under situations to me that were completely falsified that have benefited a few. I find it sad that so many have died and with no good clear explanation other than oil and money. I certainly do not believe it was about democracy. Maybe revenge but democracy, not.

What is worse is so many still support this regime currently in office and there is an actual possibility that they may get re-elected. How stunning is that.

So I find myself daily wanting to ask those around me who ya gonna vote for? Cause in the end, I don't even want to be around these incompetent people.

This be sad, I use to think there was room for discussions, somehow GWB has taken that from me. His whole government has made me realize I am so completely intolerant of anything to do with him.

I don't want to be that person who cannot discuss things but sometimes I sit and am stunned by the actions and comments of those around me. Fuming and saying nothing. To be so negative so quickly about something makes me not say a word. I prefer to think instead of react, so I keep quite.

But my intolerance is getting so much worse…oh well. One can only hope that people start paying attention. Or I consider not.



Blogger Tamara said...

My aunt travels to France quite often and she even participated in a teacher exchange for a year. One of the things she mentioned is how refreshing it was for her to see people able to discuss politics and keep it on a friendly and intellectual level. In the US that seems hard for most of us to do. I know I've been in your shoes on many an occasion and wondered just how the hell someone could be so misguided as to think that way.

Mike usually handles political discussions by chatting amiably. Of course he enjoys a good political debate and likes to poke holes in the opposing viewopoint.

Posted 6/12/2004 at 6:22 AM by hodgetj

8:22 PM  

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