
Life is Ever Changing

Life is an amazing thing when you take the time to think about it. It truly has so many unknowns each of us deals with on a day to day basis.

It is interesting in how we come to make our decisions and choices. Some seem to be off of experience, others are emotional, we have the moral decisions and then some are shots in the dark that we hope work out. In the end does one work better than another?

With so many factors in the world decisions that seem so easy can be so difficult and the hard looking ones can be a snap. Now whether any of our decisions and choices work usually depends on what is going around us. So in a sense it seems to be a big game of chance.

We do what we will that in the hopes that we have chosen right. We can use all the given information and make the best choice for ourselves and sadly that does not guarantee it is or would have been the perfect choice for us.

I think I am finally learning that regardless of whether it was or was not the right choice it does not matter. The past is just that...past. We as humans do not have the ability to go back and re-work that. Hindsight is to easy, hence not all that useful, except for future decisions.

So one must continue to evaluate if only to make better decisions or hope to make better decisions in the future.

Life is ever changing. Learn and grow with it or too much of it will slip by you. So much out there, in so many ways. Don't deny yourself that opportunity. Step forward and continue on your path. It is uniquely yours and no one else's. Go out find what makes you special. Enjoy all the moments the best you can.

Learn from your past but don't let it stop you from your future. We all have one.

Have a splendid day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're dead on with that one sweetie.

The only power we have is in the present moment. The past cannot be changed and the future cannot be controlled. And in the present moment, the only thing we can contol or change is really ourselves and how we respond to our environment.

Now if it were only as simple as it sounds...

Posted 7/11/2004 at 11:11 AM by EyehAsherEyeh

10:12 PM  

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