

Is it running rampant or have I become to demanding? It seems more and more people are incompetent at their jobs and my ability to overlook stupidity seems to be disappearing. Sadly I actually expect someone to know his or her job, how dare I?

Each of us has a job and do less and less people take pride in doing that job well? It is astounding to me how many times I can hear well what do you expect me to do about it or the oh I will have to get back to you on that.

It's depressing and insulting. There incompetence creates my inability to finish my job properly...*sigh*.

Peace if possible.


Blogger Tamara said...

Sorry, babe, but that's been a normal reaction for a long time now. People generally don't like to do more than they have to. If their bosses aren't paying attention, they can get away with the type of responses you listed. In reality they should be told if they don't know the answer to your question they need to find someone who does. It is their job and their responsibility. My mom managed Travel at FAA for years and she never let her people get away with lazy answers like those.

3:37 PM  

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