Why do we Hurt?
How can the ones that love us hurt us so easily it seems? Do they not see how they crush us with their words and actions? Do they not feel the pain they inflict without thought?
Sadly it seems reactionary. When life gets tough people pull the coat up tight. Reactionary. Life is filled with decisions, choices, reflective ness and reactions. Sadly reactions sometimes come before reflection. Hence Pain.
People the care and love us truly do not mean to hurt us, but usually have such low abilities to reflect on what they are thinking or saying. They do not evaluate how it will sit with us prior to the saying it.
Should we blame them for the inabilities...hmmm, one never knows. Life brings us knowledge how thick headed are we in evaluating and adapting to that? We must see them for why they do not reflect or think before talking. Reasons vary widely, sometimes those have nothing to do with us or even reality but is some baggage carried forth in life from the past.
One must take and see a situation as a whole, look past the hurt and anger, see what message was truly trying to get through. Once this is done, evaluate options and responses. But in the end remember we can only change us. Our minds only reflect for us, our abilities to see through things are for us. Comment and act for oneself and not for ones hope upon another.
We do not have the power to change others. We have the hope that others may reflect, communicate, respond and decide differently, but that is hope and sometimes it does not come to fruitation.
Live your life, not one drawn out by another. Be you and be the best you can be, nothing else can be expected of you.
We know within our hearts what is right and what is wrong, live it. Sometimes that is the hardest path to walk, but in the end you are miles closer to Truth than those with thick capes.
Find the Peace, but also make the Peace or at least inside yourself.
Sadly it seems reactionary. When life gets tough people pull the coat up tight. Reactionary. Life is filled with decisions, choices, reflective ness and reactions. Sadly reactions sometimes come before reflection. Hence Pain.
People the care and love us truly do not mean to hurt us, but usually have such low abilities to reflect on what they are thinking or saying. They do not evaluate how it will sit with us prior to the saying it.
Should we blame them for the inabilities...hmmm, one never knows. Life brings us knowledge how thick headed are we in evaluating and adapting to that? We must see them for why they do not reflect or think before talking. Reasons vary widely, sometimes those have nothing to do with us or even reality but is some baggage carried forth in life from the past.
One must take and see a situation as a whole, look past the hurt and anger, see what message was truly trying to get through. Once this is done, evaluate options and responses. But in the end remember we can only change us. Our minds only reflect for us, our abilities to see through things are for us. Comment and act for oneself and not for ones hope upon another.
We do not have the power to change others. We have the hope that others may reflect, communicate, respond and decide differently, but that is hope and sometimes it does not come to fruitation.
Live your life, not one drawn out by another. Be you and be the best you can be, nothing else can be expected of you.
We know within our hearts what is right and what is wrong, live it. Sometimes that is the hardest path to walk, but in the end you are miles closer to Truth than those with thick capes.
Find the Peace, but also make the Peace or at least inside yourself.
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