

Is this a good thing? It seems to play into a positive outlook, why should one bother? Life will continue with each of us paving our way. Does optimism help? Can we really tell one way or another?

Probably not, but I figure it can't hurt...or can it? Does it allow hopes to be dashed a bit easier? Does it highlight negative when it arises? Is it better to be let down constantly then to be pleasantly surprised when something right goes our way?

Questions with not many answers. Good luck on yours.



Blogger Tamara said...

Hmmm...is optimism a good thing? Overall, yes. But when optimism becomes just another word for being blind to what's happening around you, no. Sometimes though without a little optimism in our outlook, even the good things can be lumped in with the bad. It's too easy to get into a mode where you look for things to go wrong. A little optimism can temper that and keep you from getting stuck in 'why me?' mode.

9:18 AM  

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