
3 days

How can so much in ones life happen so quickly? Life is the unknown. We must get use to change.

Think of it as good, see each piece as one step further on the path of Truth from within. We each make decisions on our own and each of those in turn have outcomes. Sometime those outcomes may not be what we expect, but then again very little in life is what we expect. Look past the moment and view the future.

How has the landscape of the future changed? Sometimes greatly, but deep within ourselves we realize this is where we belong. One way or another we made choices and decisions that has landed us in this exact moment. Sometimes our decisions were forced into directions we may not have chosen, but in the end they will be right for us, 'cause being the adaptive creatures we are we will make it correct.

See the future there is no option. Look back later, focus on finding your path, enjoy the walk.

May the year provide Peace for all.