

Whatever that means...

The days just go by one after another...sometimes it is amazing another one has passed, but once the day begins life plays out and I realize I am still here and yes more excitement can occur and it usually does.

What rights do each of us have...

We have the right to each and every one of our feelings...regardless if others agree or not.
We have the right to make our choices and decision based on what ever information we know and each of those choices and decisions are ours and ours alone.

So why sometimes do I feel like I have zero rights and am too weak to even fight for them and that only leads to a circle of me feeling worse...how does one stop that path?

Thoughts for the future.



Blogger Tamara said...

Hmmm...you're on the right path. Unfortunately part of your journey is going to need to include ways to build up your self-esteem once again. When you start believing in yourself again, you'll be strong enough to fight for what you deserve. The good news is, the choices you've made have set you on that journey. It's now just a matter of completing it.

6:30 AM  

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