
Sunday slips into evening...

A day of sunshine and heat. People watching and interesting conversations, so all good. The day and weekend comes to an end...hopefully the sun will follow the lead.

Actually the forecast has some rain in it...not nearly enough, but who can be picky at this point in time. So a full work week lies ahead...bah. But it be time to get it all in order. Pretty much 3 weeks off creates a filled inbox. Hence a long week a work awaits my return. But good news...I now know how to have "win win" relationships with folks...a well spent two days of my time.

All new fun sits and waits...good luck and enjoy.



Blogger Renee said...

Gee E, please tell us...how can we all have these win-win relationships?! And is there any gagging involved?!

6:44 PM  
Blogger E said...

begging was a side benefit I think...*grin*

7:04 PM  
Blogger E said...

urrr....gagging...not begging was my intended term above...bah!

7:05 PM  

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