Do we really know what we would do?
Friday... the day for me will be a usual one. Except for the extra sadness that fills one about the devastation that others have to go through. The complete despair, denial and sadness that must be so overwhelming and for so many.
Others (including myself) have so much to say about a reality in which they have truly no idea of the facts. I personally feel we are seeing a government that is unresponsive and unprepared for this magnitude of devastation. However this morning I was reminded that in reality to call up thousands of humans to step forward from all over takes time. Time I don’t want to give them. I want more done now.
I still feel our country shortchanged itself by having to few ready for this type of problem. But that is in direct relationship with our involvement in a war that I do not believe we should have started or been in. Iraq. In the end those poor people (both military and civilian) have also been screwed by our governments ill prepared plan.
I for one have harsh feelings and a deep sense of sadness over this entire fiasco. However I am one of the very very lucky. My life continues in the same typical pattern. Other than my thoughts and hopes of something better for all those that have lost. I will continue the effort to vote my conscience and do what I can. Thoughts of this tragedy in which we all can discuss and comment on, however in the meantime people are dying needlessly and that is what is so wrong.
I don't give a shit about paying more for gas; I am willing to donate money to help those in need. The future however is glum. And unfortunately at the end of the tunnel it is going to have to be a larger more planned out system, our government, which needs to step up and do the right thing? Can it and will it? Sadly I am not sure of either of those answers.
I think though conversations of disregard for the humans that are actually in this situation is truly unfair. I think I know what I would do. But do we truly? Have we grown up in these people’s shoes? Do we know their despair? How they feel?
Answers may never come. One can only hope that as a human race we can learn to improve it. Time has shown us though humans will always be humans not just Americans but humans.
It is up to each of us to do what we can within ourselves. Times like these offer us the opportunity to live up to our potential. Seek that.
Let Hope return. Find Peace and let it spread quickly.
Others (including myself) have so much to say about a reality in which they have truly no idea of the facts. I personally feel we are seeing a government that is unresponsive and unprepared for this magnitude of devastation. However this morning I was reminded that in reality to call up thousands of humans to step forward from all over takes time. Time I don’t want to give them. I want more done now.
I still feel our country shortchanged itself by having to few ready for this type of problem. But that is in direct relationship with our involvement in a war that I do not believe we should have started or been in. Iraq. In the end those poor people (both military and civilian) have also been screwed by our governments ill prepared plan.
I for one have harsh feelings and a deep sense of sadness over this entire fiasco. However I am one of the very very lucky. My life continues in the same typical pattern. Other than my thoughts and hopes of something better for all those that have lost. I will continue the effort to vote my conscience and do what I can. Thoughts of this tragedy in which we all can discuss and comment on, however in the meantime people are dying needlessly and that is what is so wrong.
I don't give a shit about paying more for gas; I am willing to donate money to help those in need. The future however is glum. And unfortunately at the end of the tunnel it is going to have to be a larger more planned out system, our government, which needs to step up and do the right thing? Can it and will it? Sadly I am not sure of either of those answers.
I think though conversations of disregard for the humans that are actually in this situation is truly unfair. I think I know what I would do. But do we truly? Have we grown up in these people’s shoes? Do we know their despair? How they feel?
Answers may never come. One can only hope that as a human race we can learn to improve it. Time has shown us though humans will always be humans not just Americans but humans.
It is up to each of us to do what we can within ourselves. Times like these offer us the opportunity to live up to our potential. Seek that.
Let Hope return. Find Peace and let it spread quickly.
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