
Darkness of Fall

It has all set in. The rain and morning chill of early winter is on the ledge. Splendid. The birds were loud this morning, perhaps preparing themselves for many more dark chilly early mornings.

The drizzly cloud filled morning allows contemplation of days gone by. Looking back allows us to process and grow. What ifs should be left at the door? They do no one any good. Life is what it is and to consider what is not does not create the path of the future. Today and now is to be lived within this moment. Create and enjoy it. We have choices sometimes limited but choices non-the less.

Seek what is and what can be. Live within this reality and watch the amazing movements that occur within it. We may all hope, want and dream of something else within our realm, but reality tells us dreams can come true in ways one never thought of.

I can look back 24 months and see how much has occurred or changed since then. Life has taken leaps and jumps from that time. I am in a place I NEVER expected to be. For all the good and the bad that has risen from that, one should try and see the great things that have happened amongst all the other. Emotionally, Intellectually and physically I have changed dramatically in that short time. Just think what the next 24 months can bring.

Look and move forward. Use the past as needed path leading us to the future. Seek that unknown and perhaps fulfillment of those hopes can occur.
