
Moving along.

Where are we headed? Anyone know? Another day is full steam ahead. The sun shines brightly. The phone rings often. Work is being accomplished and yet I feel like I am floating above it all with not a clue as to what value any of it has.

Why does it all continue? Am I worth anything, I think the answer is yes we all are at times.

One takes a view of there life and can realize they are not who that want to be and may have no view of the path that will lead them to it. I have so many pieces that matter and yet I seem to falter at each point having them all stick together to form any workable pathway.

Eventually the key unknown piece will fall. Until then one must gather their wits about them and do the best they can. Appreciate what good and fun surrounds them now. Seek out the laughter and smiles and return them when ever possible.
