

It's out there. Closer than one may want. Others make decisions as well as ones self. How does one come to grips with others actions that lay within ones own set of choices. Limiting the options until one feels nothing is left to choose. A path was created when one was not looking.

The slow walk to the end seems inevitable. One cannot go back in life, but one can decide to take another path. It is up to each of us. Outcome is not predestined it is created. Hence choices, decisions and actions lead us to the moment. As limiting as they may seem options exist. One only needs to accept they are there. Consequences play out one way or another hence following a path may not always lead one to the open field but a big patch of sticker bushes. Paths are created make the path you want.

Strength comes from knowing you have tried. Nothing more nothing less. Seek the effort. Rewards cannot be counted on but the unknown can be.

Good luck. Peace.