

One last rant before vacation starts. Sorry if you don't have kids than this may not make sense but if you do this probably won't either. Went to a kid’s birthday party this evening over 30 kids 6 and under (horrifyingly too many).

First off it was at a place called Pump It Up and in our current society most kids would be thrilled at this kind of fun and adventure. Now if you have your children brought up in a serious Waldorf environment then yes this more than likely is just a little too much for your precious being. Hence more than half of these children spent the first half an hour crying scared and not playing while the rest ran wild through the various inflatable jungle gym like toys. My daughter happily enjoyed the fun.

Now getting past that we move to the "party room". Here we have the food, beverage and cake area. Gee after children play for an hour one would think water would be a good idea? Do all children like strawberry mango juice? Not mine. Pizza, hey always a good choice. What do you mean there is no cheese pizza? Even the birthday boys wanted cheese. Choices being Pepperoni, Hawaiian, or the totally loaded veggie. WTF?

Well onto the cake, great I thought. A raspberry fudge filled one or carrot cake. Excuse me these children are 6 and under you dumbshits!

Let me not even go in to the fact that I have never met these people before today and I ended up serving the food, lighting and singing Happy Birthday to their sons and serving cake. Nice people with zero practical skills.

Okay off to the land of craziness...Las Vegas here I come.
