

The end of a very cold day and evening is upon me. Tomorrow more of the same and then perhaps back to some normality. For my city this teen thing is wrong. It was so cold even the snow did not stick together for a decent snow creature. The dry bits would not pack properly.

So instead I took my daughter to the park (other side of my neighbors house) put her in one of my empty plastic totes and pushed her down the hill, viola a shitty homemade sled was born. Worked great for about 20 minutes until it cracked into bits. I think the cold got to it as well.

Oh well, I can gladly say this cold beats the damn heat any day! So tomorrow we will once again make the trek up the hill to get my car, which is parked in a place where I am actually able to use it. And I will head to work with a 6 year old in tow. No school for her, but alas I most definitely have work and my lovely testing is tomorrow, hence a full day of hell awaits me.

Peace and perhaps a bit more snow...just because.