
Back to work.

Strange that we say that. Like the weekends are not work. I did laundry, cleaned bathroom and kitchen, picked up crap everywhere, weeded the garden, and did groceries, all that felt like work too.

Now however back to the actual job. Where I can bury myself so deep there is not time to evaluate all the stuff that needs to be done at home and at work. An advantage to a job that is busy I guess. No time to think about much, keep one from one fire to another. That be good and bad.

Good that time seems to fly, bad that I do not feel like I accomplished anything. Oh well, such as it is.

Hopefully this will be the week that the basement finally gets down so we can clear out the garage and put the basement back together, sigh who the hell knows. We will wait. At this rate Okie can watch us move books back in.

So off to work one must go.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

heh, i hear what you're saying. i did work this weekend, more than i usually do at my job LOL

Posted 4/5/2004 at 8:42 AM by Martyr_of_the_Dark

9:58 PM  

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