
Do the right thing...

How do we know what is right, maybe by doing that we are only following a thought of its rightness. Maybe we would be better off doing what we wanted to or something in between...

What be right and wrong? We have values and morals one must live with but beyond that the decisions are up to us on an individual basis. So how do we chose?

Maybe our choices are not right, how do we fix that? How can we step back and evaluate a larger picture that effects oneself and others? Where do we go from here?

The thoughts never stop. Question it, seek out more and who knows what will come from that.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe your heart knows what is right. My head always comes up with a reason for me to do anything. I can rationalize just about anything and make it sound “right”. But in the end my heart knows. It might break because of it, but it knows. LoL I just have to learn to listen to that once in a while. At least thinking about these things occupies me so I stay away from the evil web games of doom.

Posted 4/30/2004 at 3:58 PM by BluDreamscape

9:47 PM  

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