
Do we do what we truly want or just move around the edges?

I realize that moving around the edges is what I truly want or I wouldnt be doing it. No one tells me I have to do it this way or that I can't approach something from another angle. This is the choice I made.

Maybe the choice is easier going along then upsetting the structure but in the end it was my choice, hence I truly made the effort to go one way or another. So looking through our life and saying why is really pointless.

The why was already covered by the moment that the decision was made. It was a choice and unless you unwilling were a participant in that choice then you did make that movement.

Now there are always things in life that stand out as things that we had no choice we only had reactions to in life. Times like someone elses choices left us with nothing but reactions to there moves whether they planned them or not, but all reactionary. In those circumstance which in reality come up much less often when you think about everyday and every moment of what you can chose or not chose.

People forcing or leaving or more drastic things arise, but in the end those are completely different steps in life. That may be why those are so traumatic, our lack of control for oneself is devastating to our system and in the end we all like to beable to control our choices. Sadly it is not always possible and these times are much more thought provoking and tough to accept. But we do as we have no choice but to accept and hopefully move forward with anything we could have learned from the situation.

But day to day we make choices whether they are for the best or not is up to us as an individual to decide. We also make choices based on others feelings this is still a move done by us openly. We could forgo others feelings, but we usually don't. In life one is not an island and one must move along roads which intersect others and by creating harmony at those intersection we can find some peace.

Hence our choices are somtimes based on what we may feel is better for everyone. Here is the dilemma, how do we know when that is the rigt choice? Obviously peace and harmony is soothing, but did we make the correct choice for ourselves? Only we know the truth.

Do your best. Not much more one can ask.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, I’m not sure that we make choices for others. Because if you really think about it, what choices we make that affect them will also come around and change how we interact with them. We are all interconnected. So if you choose to hurt or not hurt someone in your life, you are ultimately choosing how you want to relate to that person in the future. I have no doubt that if you make an effort to make the right choice, the better of two evils, that in the end things will work out. Sometimes we have to let go of what isn’t in our control – A lesson that I seem to be in need of. Ok, it’s time that I stop rambling here as it only slightly relates to your post and is just more what has been running through my mind. Oy. LoL.

“I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision.” -- Eleanor Roosevelt

Posted 4/21/2004 at 3:27 PM by BluDreamscape

11:56 AM  

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