

Friends are an amazing thing. They seem to stick by us through the dark and the light. We are lucky to have a few throughout our life. I am amazed when I take the time to look around at how many I could really count on. All different and all have a different relationships to me, but in the end they would be there if I asked. Friends are something that one can create but one can destroy just as easily. They are something to be cherished and at the same time make sure to use them wisely.

They can create calmness in ones life. They can make us laugh and yet just as easily can make us cry. True friends we trust and they know it, but it's okay. In the end true friends do in there heart what they believe to be right. If they hurt us we must try and see why. If we lose them we must figure out what happened and remember how that came about and try and not let it repeat itself. Since friends have keys to us and our locks are hard to change.

Today I want my friends to know how much they all mean to me...one cannot always put things into words but I can only hope each of you (new and old) knows in your heart that you are my friend and that I care. To each of you a hug and a very large thank you. Without you the dark would be oh so lonely and the light would be not nearly be as much fun.

Add on today... a borrowed qoute:

There can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence without integrity. --Rambler.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends. -- Japanese Proverb. So if you find your friends are as wonderful as they are, they really are just a reflection upon who you are.

Posted 4/6/2004 at 7:34 PM by BluDreamscape

9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*leers at Blu* brown noser...

Posted 4/7/2004 at 8:03 AM by Martyr_of_the_Dark

9:57 PM  

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