
Our past does help us with the future.

We learn and grow from it. However it does not have to drag us down. We are able to escape from it.

Don't let others use your past a a wedge to your future. Your future is what you create it to be and how you choose to react to your knowledge, truth and growth.

We define ourselves everyday. You hold the key to your own self. Make sure to use it effectively. Each day can bring more definition to what you may be looking for. Search wisely and the truth will find you.

One can learn from all things. Listen to what is around you and you can see wisdom all about. Friends give it freely and that is a wonderful thing.

We are not islands even when we feel like we are. Those around us are important steps to what our future will hold. Whether the information is what we are looking for or not it all can be seen as knowledge. Which is good in any form. Evaluate for yourself, since you are the only one to know what can be found there.

Certain days may seem so dark and the outcome may seem so bleak, do not give up. Assumptions of outcomes seems like a normal step, but may be faulty. If outcomes depend on others reactions or responses one may never know. Uniqueness in all of us is what keeps things changing and one should never give up hope until a final decision is made.

From there you move on to the evaluation of what you have learned and hopefully find peace in the situation.

So never give up, continue to hold strong to your beliefs and truths. Do not let the past become your future. Shape, model and grow from it. Define your own future.

Life really is to short for us to allow the past to run it all. Enjoy your future and all that it holds. Find your truth. Enjoy yourself when ever possible.



Blogger Tamara said...

"Certain days may seem so dark and the outcome may seem so bleak, do not give up. Assumptions of outcomes seems like a normal step, but may be faulty. If outcomes depend on others reactions or responses one may never know. Uniqueness in all of us is what keeps things changing and one should never give up hope until a final decision is made."

Hmmmm...too true. Good words for all of us to remember.

Posted 5/4/2004 at 8:56 AM by hodgetj

9:37 PM  

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