
Tags, labels or groups.

Why is it so important to put people in them?

I stand confused sometimes at the levels of which people will work to try and *fit you in*. What the hell does that mean? People are unique and in being such isn't the whole point not to *fit in*?

I am a tall dark shorthaired lesbian, so why automatically call me butch? First it is not true, no I am not a femme either...lol. I am me. Yes I have some general butch traits but just as many not? And who cares anyway?

Next question is who built all these tags and labels or boxes? I think if you truly look at people no one really is just one anyway, so why do we bother?

Why not enjoy the uniqueness about each of us as individuals. We should all be viewed for all of our qualities not a bunch that some unknown person says means *this*. What do they know about us anyway?

So the next time you look at someone and Tag them as *blank*, think twice. Maybe they don't want to be tagged and maybe it is not even close to who they really are. In the end it seems to me that this only encourages discrimination and biases anyway.

How about we just accept each of us as us. Find the truth in that and you will find a great friend or partner.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

but..what if im just an open minded straight girl?

*falls over laughing*

ehhem *wanders off*

Posted 5/27/2004 at 12:39 PM by Knight_of_Roaches

8:58 PM  
Blogger E said...

well if you describe yourself that way congrats..but still at least no one else tagged you as that (uhm... definitely not!)


Posted 5/27/2004 at 4:09 PM by ElisaH

8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People enjoy their labels it makes them feel comfortable to place people into a box as if that will help them define who they are so they no longer have to investigate for themselves. They can then judge themselves by the unfitting standards that they have placed upon another. Conveniently, these are the same people that tend to judge others. They are the ones that live in a black and white world. People aren’t either one. People don’t fit into any label. It’s when we try to meet a standard set by someone else or break free of our labels that others have a problem. I will never understand why someone is threatened by what they don’t understand.... why not just take the time to try?

Posted 5/27/2004 at 8:56 PM by BluDreamscape

8:59 PM  

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