

Do it when necessary. Keeping it to yourself will do you and no one else any good. Reflect on your thoughts and concerns. But speak up when necessary. Do it a consistent manner and people will understand what you are saying. Do it thoughtfully and clearly and release the tension in yourself.

Holding our thoughts hostage does no one any good. People have no clue what is inside us, being the unique individuals we are is wonderful but sometimes confusing. We forget others cannot read our minds even when they are close to us. One's thoughts can always surprise someone. So it is up to us to share them and have others understand us a bit better.

Being the social beings that we are it is important being open with others and oneself. Be true to yourself and others and understanding will come more easily. You want truth from others, and then you will need to give truth to others. Trust is a two-way streak.

To be who you want to be you will need to divulge yourself to others. Mind you it may be a small group, but in the end sharing is as important as honesty to oneself. Denial we all do it, but in reality we know Truth, it lives in us. Reach in and pull some out once in a while. Remember where it is. Keep it safe and protected, but share it on occasion with those you trust. Your path to more can only get wider with support.

Others views and concerns are helpful on moving us forward, take advise and absorb it, evaluate it and make it what you can. Advise is there for our benefit, it is there for you. Think about it, will it work for your needs? Only you will know the answer, but honesty with oneself is the only way to get to that answer.

Remember as human’s failure is something people call things, but we only fail if we do not try. Learn from mistakes and it cannot be failure it is growth, knowledge and life.
