

Moving forward. Find light or not, move forward. Even if the space seems like a drop one cannot continue to stand still forever. Move foreword when possible. Sometimes we are required to move side to side or even a few steps back to find that small unknown path hidden slightly to the side of the current path.

Wherever your path is only you can find it and only you can move along it. A much as we would like to control the world we can only control ourselves. We have the power to change things. We may not like what it takes to do that or the consequences from the fallout of such actions, but reality is you do have the power. It takes strength and confidence and actually courage.

To be whom we are meant to be is not easy and is not always fun, but the only way to achieve ones inner goals is to follow and make even the tough choices. From those choices the unknown lies waiting to be seen and felt.

Who are you really? Only you know the answer. And only you can change it.

Peace and Good Luck.