
The season begins...

The season of craziness begins. A time when people spend more than they make. A time where people stress more than they should. A time when people forget what it's all about. A time when I will make a lot of cookies and support our USPS.

This year make it different. Let some of it go. Look back onto the truly good things. See all that you have to be thankful for. Truly look deep. We each have so much. One just needs to look and it is there. Reach for that space and give thanks to yourself.

You did it. Not some side note, not some other person, YOU. It happens because of you. We create, we dismantle, and it’s all up to you. So while giving all this thanks, don't leave out the important bits, you.

May the day be splendid for all, regardless if it be Thanksgiving in your land or not, make it one. May the season be nifty and light. Enjoy the brightness and fun it can create. Look past the production, stress, and meanness and reach for the joy.
