It's what we make...
We created this moment. We are here because we made this moment in time. Was it the right choice or not is truly not worthy to view. We are, so now accept that position and find out what makes it right for you.
The past only gives us definition of placement for your future. We cannot change we can only learn and grow from it. It is immovable from where it lies, so see past it into what we can become from it. Accept the reality of it.
I am currently and will continue to live with it for the next few months until a new path is secured. This truly places strain on mind and heart. It continues to be full of despair. But one day I will get past it all, see the open space and fine comfort in it once again.
Laughter can be heard recently, but sitting right next to that is darkness. One in which life has staggering moments of despair. Time will hopefully spread more laughter throughout. One can only accept what is placed in the heart. Deal and accept the moments of darkness. But also make sure to see the laughter and fun that is lines up waiting to be had.
We have the ability to gather our thoughts and move them from side to side. Ignoring them forever may not be good or even acceptable, however taking the moments of fun past the dark is as important as accepting those darker times.
May the fun win out today.
The past only gives us definition of placement for your future. We cannot change we can only learn and grow from it. It is immovable from where it lies, so see past it into what we can become from it. Accept the reality of it.
I am currently and will continue to live with it for the next few months until a new path is secured. This truly places strain on mind and heart. It continues to be full of despair. But one day I will get past it all, see the open space and fine comfort in it once again.
Laughter can be heard recently, but sitting right next to that is darkness. One in which life has staggering moments of despair. Time will hopefully spread more laughter throughout. One can only accept what is placed in the heart. Deal and accept the moments of darkness. But also make sure to see the laughter and fun that is lines up waiting to be had.
We have the ability to gather our thoughts and move them from side to side. Ignoring them forever may not be good or even acceptable, however taking the moments of fun past the dark is as important as accepting those darker times.
May the fun win out today.
Hey, it's me again...the anonymous chick from Texas that you've flushed out!! Today's post seems to be a common theme of late, and one that I can relate to personally. So I thought I'd add my two cents in the hope to maybe help you.
There's a Taoist/Zen parable about a you know it? The farmer's only horse runs away and his friends tell him, 'that's terrible!' and he says, 'maybe'. The horse returns the next day with several wild horses and his friends say 'that's great!', and he says'maybe'. The next day his son is thrown from one of the horses and breaks his leg and the farmer's friends say, 'that's terrible!', and the farmer says,'maybe'. The next day the army conscriptioners come around but reject the farmer's son because of his broken leg, and the friends say, 'that's great!', and the farmer says,'maybe'. The point is life can be immensely complex and it can be difficult sometimes to tell what is good or bad until the final outcome. I realize that we all experience things much worse than a broken leg or a runaway horse, but the principal still applies. The trick is to be able to let go and have faith, and try not to get caught up too much in the immediate outcome because you don't know how the story will eventually play out. Letting go does not mean that you don't's really about having faith in yourself and faith in the universe. This lesson has helped me tremendously in my life. Although I still falter some days.
I can tell you enjoy philosphy. I do too. If my comment hasn't scared you off, maybe I'll take you up on your offer to email. That is if the offer is still good! Later, R
The parable would most definitely fit my way of thinking...thank you.
I do think though one must be true to there believe that they do change the path...each decision and choice brings us to the place we currently lay.
However with that in mind as an individual each of us make those choices and decisions hence affecting another’s path as we go along.
To that means it is more of a collective road in which we take whether it be by choice or not, our reactions place in this moment.
One can only hope to follow and move along that path which one creates through time. Even when sometimes that may not be where one prefers to be.
Faltering daily...without it one does not learn and the only means to Truth is through knowledge and there is no quicker way than to falter and step forward. To live in the dull does not truly lead one to the absolute joy and fun the lives in one's heart.
Believe in Truth and each of us can move through the rough a bit quicker. Thoughts should never scare one, words pull us through.
I agree with you. Our paths are collective, and we have no idea how we are interconnected to another's path. The decisions that we make for ourselves can have a ripple effect on others. That's why when making decisions it's best to keep in mind the principle of 'Do No Harm'. Of course we can't guarantee that, but if our hearts are in the right place when making decisions along the path, I believe the ultimate outcome will work out favorably.
And when we find ourselves on a difficult path that we didn't choose. Try and see the humor in the situation and take it as a challenge. Like you said, in the end you'll be stronger and better for it.
Later, R
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