

I paid 3.03 per gallon of gas this morning...still cheap by many standards across the world. The sun will be up all day and the heat will rise to high 80's/low 90's with low humidity way to hot for me, still low by many standards. In my world some things seem out of line...maybe standards need to be evaluated.

Acceptance...we can accept facts whether they are wanted or not, whether we can change them or not, accept them we will. I can accept where I am in my life currently. Parts will change and parts may not. But I made my own decisions, I put myself here, there is nothing to do but accept this place and time. Why does that not seem not be enough?

I consider myself fairly logical and practical, so if I can accept all these things why does the emotional part of me not? Why does this part have so much control?

Why does the driver in front of me who truly does not mean to piss me off or even cut me (I will give them the benefit of the doubt here), but is just another fool like me trying to get to work the best way they know how, why does that affect me? I accept the action, but somehow that acceptance does not make if *feel* any better.

Life is moving and changing, some days much more than others. But within all that, acceptance is to be my goal...right? I don't think so. We all accept, but perhaps it is what we do with that acceptance forward that makes the difference? The feeling.

Maybe we should consider the ideal place is to make our logical and practical parts a bit softer to meet a middle ground with our emotional space? But how can one do this while still holding strong to who we are?

The answers are for each of us to seek and find on our own...Truth is evasive.

The path seems bumpy and long, but isn’t that the challenge? Seek all that life sends. Find your questions and perhaps even a few answers. Work, Struggle, Play, and Love along the way.



Blogger Tamara said...

Hmmmm...middle ground is always good. So is letting go of some things that are never going to be. Faith is helpful to many people when it comes to laying down a burden. Maybe you need to find something symbolic and meaningful to you to help you let go of feelings that are dragging you down. Sometimes our emotions need a physical outlet to allow us to work through things. Keeping everything clamped down just means the space is getting smaller and smaller with each passing day.

8:29 AM  

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