
Darkness fades to light...

The answers may not be any closer but if we look closely we can view all that has been learned so far. The day opens us up to another set of choices and decisions to be made. Some minute, some not. Take note that each one moves us. Each day and all that transpires in that day will forever change us.

Another full day of sun waits for me. Summer is at its high point, rain is at is low. One may have to wait days perhaps weeks for relief. We accept and move on easily to facts. Why are facts within our own life harder to accept? I truly dislike heat, when the hell did it become easier to deal with? I seemed to have gotten use to over these weeks.

What takes the rest of my psyche to get over things? The mind is a cruel place, but sometimes I think the heart is worse. The capacity to grow expand and enlighten and yet letting go seem toughest. How do some protect it so well and others not so much? How does one seek the Truth with all the variances that occur around themselves? Questsions surround us.

Let the unattainable go past seek what is available. Continue to move forward through it all. Find what is acceptable within it. Enjoy that and expect no more.

Find ones own fun and play. Peace.