

We can all struggle with them. In the end they are just that. Most are not meant to hurt or intimidate anyone. If they do, perhaps we are all to blame. Check within yourself for a reaction that is based on more than the moment. A reminder words do affect us, however we each have a choice on how to let them affect us.

We all have issues that create a reaction. Let us try and seek understanding within that realm. Being the unique individuals we are we will bring all that and more to our conversations with one another. Try and seek perspective from a different view. We cannot always succeed in our understanding. There are times that we find ourselves at odds with one another. Don't let that destroy it all. Life is about change and knowledge. Being on different paths will sometimes force clashes these should not be taken out of context. They do not represent the whole just the moment.

We surround ourselves with those we love and care about for a reason. That does not mean at times we can be at odds with one another. Challenging our own structure is good. What we must believe in though is that it does not reflect a completion of the whole in a relationship. It is good to question and comment. They are not there for attack or abuse, but for knowledge. Learn from and find the respect in that. Step away and respect what one can.

Reality is that more than likely the end hope and result on both sides is similar if not the same. Agreeing with one another is not always possible. Even the words we use can be seen in different light. Don't let the words bury something good.

Seek the end result and Peace will sift through eventually.