Another day arrives.
Each brings new thoughts forward. How to...
Why do words seem so easy and yet so destructive at times? Other times they are so hard and yet feel so comforting.
Sometimes learning is damn hard and being ignorant is easy. However once one leaves the hole of ignorance it is hard to return. Going back is not an option. Hence one must take the knowledge forward and move on.
Good luck on the path. Peace.
Why do words seem so easy and yet so destructive at times? Other times they are so hard and yet feel so comforting.
Sometimes learning is damn hard and being ignorant is easy. However once one leaves the hole of ignorance it is hard to return. Going back is not an option. Hence one must take the knowledge forward and move on.
Good luck on the path. Peace.
Being ignorant may seem easy but ignorance can also keep us in the same patterns making the same mistakes. Your path is rough and sometimes full of sadness but the outcome is worth it. Those who continue in their little circle make the same choices and end up with the same outcomes. Your way is living. Their way is denial. Books don't teach us everything we need to know about ourselves. Real knowledge comes from prying apart the pages of our own book and studying the motivations and actions found within.
I was physically healthier when I was ignorant.
True. Your health was better then. But I can't believe you would want to be with someone who doesn't know their own truth. Who instead changes their truth to match others. Who must find explanations for everything that focus on outside influences and never on the inside. Who is so far removed from real feeling and knowledge that she has to have someone around to fill her up and make her complete.
You're on a journey to find your truth. Some are so ignorant they don't even know they should be making the journey. You won't be making the same old mistakes. I guarantee they will.
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