
Another fun day.

How mean can people get? It's astonishing and I am finding that it is also a big well. Where does that ability come from? We each have the ability to get mean; some seems to have honed the skill down a bit better than others.

I am ruthless when it comes to customer service things. But somehow I seem inadequate when ladder climbing. I don't see the need to shred another so I get more. In situations where Customer Service plays out I feel I am deserved a certain level, hence people here it. However it is not a personal attack it is about level of service or quality of that situation. I am amazed at those they get personal in a situation where it is totally not appropriate. How does one justify that within them selves?

I have situations where I have had to be what one would call mean to another individual in a personal situation but I did my best pin pointing and explaining why in that situation. I do not usually go on an open-ended attack of another human.

So another day to put myself in the line of fire. Exciting and yet desperately frustrating. I need to hold my place without losing my view of the bigger picture. Responding to the desperate act will only prove another’s point.

Good luck and Peace.