
Saturday morning usual

Plus more. Sadly amazing how ones own attitude can reflect onto others. Perhaps that would be a good wake up call to understand ones own ability to hurt those we care about most. Truth, what is right and what is unnecessary to contemplate should be considered. To question another’s decisions and choices may not be an appropriate step. Discuss them and seek knowledge from them is one thing, but questioning is another. Each and every one of us is unique.

I am sure my decisions and choices are very different from others but that does not make them good or bad...my life has that variation from all others which changes my views on those choices and decisions. Only I have true understanding of them. Perhaps one should stand away from others when viewing and be a little less judgmental with ones own thoughts and ideals.

More stuff to learn. Peace.


Blogger Tamara said...

Truth is important to hear. Even when that truth makes us sad, it serves a purpose. Never be ashamed of telling someone what you truly think.

8:18 AM  

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