

I seem to breed this and yet I say I don't like it. Perhaps I bring it onto myself? My in ability at communication or lack of strength seems to shine through.

Living in a mass of chaos. My physical body is not happy with this stress and it be time I do something about it. But will I?

How does one go about speaking honestly with another who was a sole supporter of them for so long in a bad situation? While knowing this person inside is self protecting but also knowing they have serious weak points about themselves and that is why they make unwise moves (as we all do at times). However, it still has ones trust of them to falter at every corner wondering if that turning point will arrive and one will be at the other end of that knife?

Words need to be carefully positioned and put forth. Making a tough situation tougher only with hope and much doubt that they will understand. Creating more conflict within the arena. How does one go about making a positive from a negative?

I lack patience and stamina for the game. I retreat to the cruelness of Truth. For some that is hard to swallow and for others where manipulation is there key only ends up creating more conflict. Leaving the players bleeding from the affect. Diminishing alls ability to see reason in the situation and finding a solution only pushed further from reach.

Conflict a tricky proposition and one in which I need to better learn to master.

May luck find us soon. Peace.