
Saturday and Sunny!

Now that is a wow. The sky is filled with many white fluffy clouds and blue sky, but it also is very bright with an abundance of sunshine.

The view from my desk shows the mountains peaking past the clouds as well.

Spring in Seattle. Sun will start appearing more frequently in between the bouts of rain (one due in a few hours). The cherry tree blossoms are already falling and leaves are appearing everywhere. Bulbs and flowers are starting to burst through the dampened soil. Life a new. Winter slides into the past only to hibernate for a few months until its eventual return.

My favorite season by far. One in which all is viewed positively. Each piece necessary to sustain the full season. Rain and sun find the balance to create fullness in life. Both major players of all that is necessary.

Winter doldrums fade and the contemplation of the future shall now be put into action. Seek all that can be with the never-ending reminder that there is more than yourself. One can only see that Truth through knowledge and growth. The season is now. Step up and do your best.

Find Peace within and perhaps you may be surprised at how far that reaches.