
Midday, midweek.

Middle. One can be in the middle often. An imaginary fence or boundary, which lines our path. Creating a span just out of reach or is it? We move freely. The choice is each of ours. We make those decisions freely, however sometimes they are made for purposes that a larger in scope then what another may see.

Each view is unique and advice is always good to listen to, however taking it should be accepted in the realm that it is being given. From a perspective that will differ from ones own. We each see the world around us. Some have more details than others. Are some more right than others? In one perspective perhaps, but in another maybe not.

Staying in the middle allows for ease and a safer road, but does it deny us the passion the lives among the edges? Do we give up a sense of who we are by going along the middle?

Questions which each of us must answer for ourselves and who we are or who we want to be.
