
Rain rain rain...

More of the beautiful stuff comes down. Over the last few days it intermingles with the sun, today not so. An entire day to itself. Of course this would be the day I had hoped to do a project that would include sun...hmmm.

Plans are meant to be changed. As in life never get to comfy because the next train may jump its tracks and side swipe you when you least expect it. Life is all about change, so why do humans like a road maps so well?

Maps in general are incredible paths to the land that surrounds us; life being a different beast with the never-ending ability to change shifts the map continuously. Maps of land change as well, but sometime over such a large period of time it goes unnoticed by most of us. Being short sighted and all we only seem to care about this life and to hell with the future.

The universe like us is in constant motion and ever changing. However so many people only see the motion within themselves and even that bothers them. You know though if life truly stayed the course people would complain about that as well. The stagnation of it all would become boring, hence movement is required.

Well good news there is a train with your name on it somewhere. If you have not seen it yet never fear its arrival will occur.

I love maps, maybe that is my problem. I collect them from all over, got one? Send it on over always looking for new paths through rain.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You like maps?? You collect maps??

Why the hell didn't I know this!!

Mate - I've been all over the bloody world.

I've got road maps of places from Paris to Morocco to Thailand. City street plans from Amsterdam to Warsaw to Casablanca and Peking!!

And dozens or road maps of the UK - some were my Grandfather's - they're pre-war.

Not to mention various hiking maps of the UK and Europe

I've got hundreds - literally hundreds of maps.

What kind of maps do you like.


8:40 AM  

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