

The morning starts off with some nifty gray skies. One will hope the drizzle will follow shortly. A day a of meetings. I am not a fan of them in general and ones like today that are for informational updates are even less on my happy list.

To get together with folks in different sections of my company (supposedly related...I do not confirm this belief.) just to keep up with their projects and waste time from me accomplishing mine only seems to make me more ineffective as an employee.

My inbox will continue to have more arrive while I spend time with folks who are delighted with themselves as they have taught them selves how to build a web site that may or may not ever be used by someone at work.

As time goes on and my hearing dissipates my smile will continue to exist and my input will diminish. As if it matters anyway. One can only hope it shortens the time at which we volley around nothing.

A long day lies ahead.
