

Some of us may be a *bit* more reactionary than others. Now the key is to see the behavior and work with it. (i.e...change it)

You know that sounds easy, somehow it is not quite that simple. Like everything in life one must truly understand the complexity of it to actually change it.

Where does one start? Sometimes the questions are as important as the answer. Introspective reflection is good if we are truly honest with oneself.

Life is about change; you can just keep piling on it. Remember though, one can only change themselves. To expect change from another would be false. One needs to change for bettering them self. In life if we change and think *if I do this then they will do this*, that be false. The change is about you, and about how you feel about you, in reality is has nothing to do with someone else. Find your path and stick with it.

Reality is whether you change now or later more than likely it will have to occur. Accept it, move on. But never think it will effect more than its intended plan. Change is about yourself and no one else, remember that. Find what you need in your life. As much as we need others it is us to them to change, we need to better ourselves and one can only hope others do as well.

Work on the only tangible thing you can, yourself, the rest is out of your control. Be better for you and move forward as necessary.

Good luck and Peace.