
The balance act...

What and where is the middle? Each situation has a middle ground, but do we often see it 'til we have tipped ourselves one way or another? How often has one stepped into a situation and stayed in the middle from the get go? Not often for this human.

I need to bounce once or two (or many) times off the wall to only find the center after bruises are intact. Level, not something that comes easily or natural for me (or many others). But in time if we pay attention we can see that space.

To me it is like a really good cd. I play it ALL the time 'til I have almost destroyed my like of it. But then it balances out and I find myself coming back to it from time to time and remember why I thought it was so damn good. And it still is, but a balance has been found. Most situations have a balance finding that is the key.

Balance and good luck. Peace.