

One can truly feel that way sometimes. Today would be one of those days. Nothing to give and unfortunately one needs to give more. Will have to reach in and find the spare.

Friday of a long week, how and when did we get here? Almost to fast, need more time but then...at this point my sense of caring is getting thin. Relaxation is so close at hand, four days and counting.

Why does it seem life gets fuller and crazier during these last few days prior to exiting the routine?

Decisions, choices, opportunities and stress wrapped tightly together in a ball. Waiting for the explosion. As some point my mind switches to off. Hopefully it can hold out 'til Monday afternoon.

The lists seem to be getting longer and others stress around me is starting to sink in. Hell like I don't have enough of my own. The answer...What is not done is not that important. Rules to live by.



Blogger Tamara said...

When you've got a lot of responsibilities, the craziness is bound to happen. You just have to believe that what doesn't get done can wait until you get back. They'll survive. You'll come back recharged (hopefully) and can tackle those unfinished items then.

Let the thought of houses get you through today. That's a damn exciting prospect I think.

7:32 AM  
Blogger E said...

"When you've got a lot of responsibilities..." Uh...not so much. I barely am responsible for me...*g*

It will have to wait...no choice on some things and as for recharged...that battery does not hold like it use to, so we will see what I can "tackle".

Houses are not the most exciting when you are looking at one dump compared to another sometimes based on how much longer ones comute is going to be from your already 20 minute.

7:56 AM  
Blogger Tamara said...

Like it or not you do have a lot of responsibilities.

And get more positive about these damn houses. You don't know that everyone one of them is going to be a "dump." Damn I wish we had Star Trek transporter technology so I could be there with you every time you looked at a potential "dump." I so want to say 'I told you so' in person.

8:02 AM  

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