
Monday...wait Tuesday.

Wow it is amazing how time can slip away without notice. So the week has begun and my desk reflects my day off.

My new abode reflects the 198 boxes I packed over the last few weeks. Small trails will succumb to areas being cleared out, however that may take a few days to accomplish (or perhaps longer).

Coming and going for so long had me thinking last night I needed to get going when the flash of reality hit, I was home. Now the hard work begins, making it all fit and getting it all to my liking. Also finding my clean clothes for work today and bathroom bag for today. Safely at work this morning suggests that my hunt last night was successful.

Time ahead is filled with work and yet my mind wanders to all that needs accomplishing at the new place. Gonna be a long week and one where I most definitely am going to be friends with Ibuprofen.



Blogger Tamara said...

Yes, you're home. The dump is no more. Knowing you, you'll get those boxes unpacked by the end of the weekend. Can't wait to see the new place.

8:00 AM  
Blogger E said...

By the end of the weekend...many if not most of them will be gone, this be true.

*The exception will be the storage room.

By April your room will be all together.

8:40 AM  

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