
Saturday Morning

The springtime light showed up early this morning. Awake before the birds. Spring must truly be here. A weekend filled with pieces. Hopefully those can turn into accomplishments. We'll see.

Time slowly marches up to the vacation hour. Preparations are being made. To say I am looking forward to it underestimates the situation. Fearing time will go by to fast and knowing that holds me in check.

Trying to gather myself to the acceptance of enjoying each moment and letting the shortness of it hit me afterwards. Plenty of time later on.

One must gather the lists and be excited for what is and what is soon to be. Plenty time later on to visit the other.



Blogger Tamara said...

One thing you can always be sure of: more times will come. Accept each one when it arrives and enjoy it to the fullest.

9:44 PM  
Blogger E said...

I will do my best at enjoying it all. Living within that moment and making the most of it.


9:52 PM  

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