

An easy task? Each little piece of ones life unfolds or is pulled away from another and forced into a new space onto which it will stay for some undetermined amount of time.

A fresh start? I don’t think so, all these bits remind us of how our past is with us at each moment. Creating the path in which we walk forward from. Some bits are shoved into a dark corner or we leave them in a box for another unique day of wonder. The view may be different however the pieces feel and move in a comfortable way. We use these in a form to move ourselves around in our new space and yet much of it will seem the same.

Back to the question…easy? I don’t think so. Moving forward is change and how we each deal with it. By bringing along each memory and moment we are taking our change and shoving into a new picture created by our past. Something new arrives but what that unknown is or how it plays out is what will drive the next moment.

Would it be better to just leave it all sealed up? Throw it out? Or keep every piece as a reminder of all the rights and not so rights of ones past?

Questions are everywhere. Each can only be answered by ones self. Unique times lead us all to seek comfort. Find that and perhaps think carefully about those boxes. Rip through them fast or slow but remember ramifications surround us. Life is moments and memories and those boxes more than likely hold plenty.

Good Luck and Peace.