
Fun filled days

Anyone else having them? Each day and moment brings us something new. In my past I would look forward to each one of these moments. Change be good and a way of life. However some where along the road one became stale and not interested in change.

The days bring forth opportunity, perhaps here in lies the problem. The opportunities are rarely ones that I would choose. So the days bring decisions and choices about situations one does or would prefer not to be in.

Time seems to creep by during these moments of change and fly when one would hope not.

So 2006 brings about more change, as did the proceeding years. The key may be to find the ground under ones feet and try and seek or steer ones self in a direction one hopes to be. And to find ways to deal with the crap that is left in our path.

Closure. Somehow this is a tool or skill I have never fully utilized well. I hope to bring myself up to snuff soon. Making strides to accept and realize the inevitable is a way to gain knowledge that can only help in the future. It also allows one to move forward with less baggage on board. The road is bumpy and one needs not to worry about pieces that seem to be loosely attached.

The challenge is to let things go including the emotional ties to it. I struggle with this daily. So much passes through our lives and yet I feel attached to all of it. It is important to me that I have given my full attention to all situations and sadly the reality is that is not possible. And even when I do that seems not to be enough. I can accept when things do not work out or when the realization of differences widen the gap between roads, but those pieces where one has put in so much effort and yet it truly is not enough is disappointing.

However a new beginning is available one just needs to stand up and accept it. I am making strides toward that path and hope to continue that throughout. Learn from our events. Take knowledge that one has tried. Accept failure and responsibility, but allow ones self to believe others fail as well.

Today is a new day may it include some fun. Peace.


Blogger Tamara said...

"Accept failure and responsibility, but allow ones self to believe others fail as well."

And to that I can only say 'amen.'

8:42 AM  

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