

Oddly enough my city seems to be fanatic right now about them. We have officially earned a spot in the Superbowl. A team that I can clearly say has done nothing for 30 years seams to have woken up and found some kind of path to winning.

The weird thing to me is this is just a business. I end paying more on my taxes for some young guy to go out and run a ball up and down a field a bit. (Hopefully) All of sudden everyone is a Seahawk fan (excluding me). Every newspaper has editorials on the greatness of our local hero’s...hell give me a break VERY few of us knew any of their names at the beginning of the season. Hero’s are not sports stars.

I find it humorous that all of a sudden there are so many fans reporting how they have followed them from the beginning. Yeah right. That is why they had TV blackouts last year where they did not sell enough tickets to even get the damn games on a local cable show.

Are all sports this way? Do fans come and go this easily in other cities? They seem to in our city. Mariners (baseball) were the same way...winning we go, losing who cares. Look at the Sonics (basketball) for real fan base support. They are considering moving from Seattle because they cannot get a new stadium...hell my tax dollars refurbished one only 8 or so years ago, but that one is out of date now. ppppbbt

Sports...bah. I have been to see the Storm and it was not for my competitive nature. One game in 4 seasons (all about women in shorts, that alone was not enough for me to buy a ticket, this one was given to me) ...big follower obviously. I have seen more 4 and 5-year-old soccer matches and swim classes than sports in over two decades.

Good for all those true fans but the rest of ya shut up. The only reason I want them to win is so this fucking business can help my city and its tax woes and perhaps then they can pay off these fucking stadiums I never wanted quicker...but doubtful, because these hero’s are gonna want more I am sure once they win. They always do.

Peace, way past some game would be a much better prize for our planet.