Knowledge...what becomes of it?
Do we enrich ourselves with how much we know? Do we continue to repeat the same errors or misjudgments that haunt us through life? Do we accept knowledge?
Well one never knows. Being unique we all stride to do things in different ways. Being that unique individual is also what makes the answers so difficult. The right answer can only lie within oneself. But one must recognize it for what it is. Knowledge. Truly it's not good, bad, or indifferent. What we choose to do with that Knowledge can change everything.
Choices and decisions we create can cause other issues and paths to arise. But Knowledge is just that. Bad Knowledge, nope...good so? How can one piece of Knowledge be so inherently better than another? It is only what we do with it that changes it.
Do your best with what you can. Move along your path and Knowledge will lead you to bits of Truth.
Good luck, the road seems to be filled with so much. Peace.
Well one never knows. Being unique we all stride to do things in different ways. Being that unique individual is also what makes the answers so difficult. The right answer can only lie within oneself. But one must recognize it for what it is. Knowledge. Truly it's not good, bad, or indifferent. What we choose to do with that Knowledge can change everything.
Choices and decisions we create can cause other issues and paths to arise. But Knowledge is just that. Bad Knowledge, nope...good so? How can one piece of Knowledge be so inherently better than another? It is only what we do with it that changes it.
Do your best with what you can. Move along your path and Knowledge will lead you to bits of Truth.
Good luck, the road seems to be filled with so much. Peace.
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