
Weekend Draws Near

Today starts the beginning of the sun filled set. Sun today followed by heat and sun tomorrow and throughout the weekend. I will try and get my hands in the dirt after work today, but one never knows.

My thoughts are on another that holds keys to my future. The unknown leaves each of us room to move in all directions. Usually we have a view or a path we hope to choose. Being no different I prefer a path and sadly much of it depends on outcomes of others choices.

Like most things I can only wait and hope it all works out, and then deal with next steps of where ever that lands. Gee I sure hope it lands where I picture it.

Alas given no promises or guarantees one must deal and move forward one way or another.

So living in this moment I will dress my daughter and myself accordingly to our sun filled forecast in hopes that they actually have it right. Come home from work tonight and pull out the weed-eater and start whacking wild sections of the yard.

Friday when heat begins I will enjoy the AC at work and then come home and hide in my hopefully cool house. Letting the future be what the future will be.

So one may look up into the fields but dealing with the path laid out before us in this moment will keep change forever in the view.



Blogger Tamara said...

Send good thoughts his way....

10:15 AM  
Blogger E said...

They're out there!

10:17 AM  

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